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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Вирусный Эффект и Постеры

Недавно заметила где-то в интернете дискуссию по поводу того, могут ли рекламные 
принт-постеры выжить в условиях такого расцвета Digitality и новых форм 
цифровой рекламы. Хочу сказать свое слово в защиту постеров.
Мало того, что могут, еще и дадут фору многим попыткам вирусно зацифроваться и прославиться!
Вот некоторые из таких постеров. Причем практически все - реклама журналов. 
Иностранных, конечно.
Итак, бразильский журнал Novo.

Вот как оно-то на самом деле было, в сказках-то (поросята особенно душевны)!
Всегда надо выслушать все стороны или все версии, даже когда рассказывают сказку.
Вот и девиз кампании  "Know the two sides of the story" - "Знай две стороны истории".
Отличное позиционирование журнала!

Не отстает от бразильцев по изобретательности и французский L'Etudiant 
(журнал про карьеру и работу) с кампанией "Будущее -у молодых":

Слоган кампании: "А ты уверен, что твой выбор карьеры - лучший?"

Действительно , задумаешься - а правильную ли карьеру выбираешь? 
Может, журнал действительно что-то стоящее подскажет или покажет?

Французы вообще молодцы! Знают толк в рекламе.  Еще один пример:  Liberation.
Слоган: "Поиск правды - это борьба!". 
И с провокационными высказываниями этих многоизвестных 
личностей на постерах тоже многие могут не согласиться (без борьбы).


Вот смотришь на эти постеры и понимаешь - дискуссии в журнале острые, говорят о серьезном, провокаций достаточно. Почему бы на уикэнде не почитать?

Вы можете возразить - ну конечно, журналы и газеты же только 
принт-постерами и можно рекламировать!  А вот и нет!
Одна из самых успешных реклам для Guardian (поистине бессмертная) - 
это видео-реклама:

"Одна точка зрения - одно впечатление,  другая точка зрения - 
совершенно противоположное впечатление. 
Но только, когда ты видишь всю картину полностью, 
ты можешь понять происходящее."

Браво, Guardian! И браво, постеры!

(и спасибо сайтам,,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Studies of Viral Effect



What video can become viral?

Such a video, IMHO:

1) has unique content or features;

2) interests you personally (good positioning for target audience);

3) has appropriate name for search  (like "BEST EVER!!!"video crazy success);

4) resonates with your inner state (engages you emotionally)

5) has a lot of views (crowd effect);

6) is promoted effectively (i.e. mentioned by celebrity, mass tweeted, etc.);


7) touches upon some provocative topics (sex, drugs and rock-n-roll... kidding! but sex is definitely one of the most serious magnets for viewers);


8) shows babies  (examples - Evian, E-Trade)

This video has both #1 and #4 features for me and I really love it!

 I plan to write an article on most interesting viral videos. 

And I'll let you know when this finally happens!

Business Schools and Their Promotion in Social Media

Some ideas how to promote B-schools in social media.

Thanks to my discussion with Ekaterina Inozemtseva at my Facebook Fan Page  I'm ready to share some my ideas on this question.

How should a B-school promote itself via social media? What to start from and how to continue?

First of all, in my opinion the B-school should define the Goals of such a promotion.
What will B-school promote: its Brand, its Program (define which) or its Organization?
Brand promotion goal will be to increase its brand awareness. Program promotion task will be to attract potential students. And Organization promotion should result in attracting talented and highly qualified employees.

Secondly,  this B-school should decide if it works with an agency to perform promotion in social media or it plans to do it on its own.
If there's an agency the School should choose such an agency. Key factor here is reputation of the agency and its successful track record in performing such projects. References are necessary.
If the School plans to promote itself with by its own efforts and with its own resources it's time to think about School's target audience. Key questions here are: what this audience is, what media channels this audience use and how to interest such an audience. After answering these questions the School should choose right media channels and think about implementation plan. Key points here are to define employees responsible for this program's implementation and calculate necessary resources (money, time, people).

The third stage is development of Content and definition of methods to provide this Content to the target audience. 

Content should be:
1) interesting
2) engaging
3) consistent
4) provided regularly

When you are interacting with your target audience always remember what you are doing:
1) listening
2) engaging in dialogue
3) getting new ideas or feedback on existing situation
4) selling your services
5) building advocacy chain (when your clients/students promote the School to others - quite an ideal solution, right? You just need to motivate them to do this!)

The forth stage is Implementation.
Always be ready to react on your target audience expectations, questions and ideas.
Social media is an alive organism and your campaign should also be alive and changing. That's why very often strict plans here turn into incremental and opportunistic approach and initial Content and ideas sometimes change drastically.
Be prepared for this and engage such employees in this program implementation who are dynamic, energetic and adore social media.

There is a presentation that has some good statistics and gives some ideas on this question.

Thank you for your attention!

Thursday, January 20, 2011





Изучаю вирусный эффект.
Вот видео, которое, я надеюсь, скоро станет вирусным. Выпускной МВА программы МШУ СКОЛКОВО, мой выпускной. Почему станет вирусным - уникальный контент! Не каждый день выпускники бизнес-школы получают поздравления из Космоса (от российских космонавтов)!

Viral effect, new video: SKOLKOVO MBA program graduation day

Studying viral marketing effect.

I hope this video becomes viral soon.
SKOLKOVO business school graduation day, my graduation day:))
Why viral? - Unique content.
Not everyday B-School graduates get congratulations from Space (from Russian astronauts)! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Blog - finally settled!!!

 Welcome at my Blog!
Yeah, it looks quite unfinished, but I really would like to leave it like this. This will help me to remember how I was trying to fix it. During 5 days from dusk till dawn (up to 4 am) I was choosing customized templates, than importing the chosen one, then integrating widgets, changing and writing HTML... got mistake reports, went crazy, deleted all that stuff and started the whole process again! And if to consider that I did the same with WordPress first and only after launch of my site at WordPress understood that I could not insert Google Analytics there because of free hosting stupid limitations.. O My Word...This Blog will always remind me the time when all normal people were drinking during New Year holidays and crazy Julia was fighting with blog platforms!!!:)))

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hello World!